A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind

Truck Drivin' Journal

By: Paul S Cilwa Page Views: 17,413
Alternate Roads

How I Came To Drive A Truck


As you may know, many of my computer training clients were headquartered in the World Trade Center, or had important offices there. Many more were New York based. All were affected by the events of 9/11/2001.

While the economy had been suffering before then (and, of course, now we know why), 9/11 destroyed, permanently, my career as corporate trainer. Companies that hire trainers have been staggering; the business I received—two one-week classes since last September, and a small amount of odd jobs—were not enough to pay the rent and utilities. Hundreds of resumes sent to likely companies didn't do the trick. I was unable to rate even a reply from most. Follow-ups on my part revealed that the companies were accepting resumes "just in case" but were, in fact, not hiring.

So, months late, perhaps, I decided to do the sensible thing and consider a career change.

When I was employed as a corporate trainer, I flew to strange cities—sometimes in foreign countries—,usually rented a car and had to find my hotel and the location of the training facility, usually in the dark, tired from my flight, and without benefit of a GPS system (not yet available to drivers). This was actually pretty stressful. And, as I was driving to the hotel, I would sometimes pass big rigs and look up at the drivers and think, "Now, there's a stress-free job!"

So I got on the Internet, found a trucking company that provided free training in exchange for a one-year committment, grit my teeth, and decided to become a trucker.

This is the true story of how that year went.