A Million Little Pieces Of My Mind


By: Paul S Cilwa Page Views: 9,419
Explore the technical and fictional worlds of Paul S Cilwa!

I hate writing, but I love having written.

—Dorothy Parker


I'm luckier than the above-quoted Dorothy Parker: I love writing. I love it enough that when I'm burning through something that inspires me, I have been known to write long into the early hours of the morning. And I'm fortunate also that, even in the days before the Internet, when everyone who can type has a voice, I was able to get most everything I've written published.

I have written technical books and articles, novels and short stories. Some of them are reprinted in this section of my web site. Click the buttons on the left to explore whatever you think may interest you.

Work in Progress

I am currently working on a novel, Words Apart. I'll be posting the chapters as they are completed; feel free to follow along as the book takes shape. As always, I welcome and value typographical and grammatical corrections and advice. Just please be specific when you email me to indicate where the error is located.